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DrumThrash Drum Machine Software for PC

Master Mixer

The Master Mixer volume is displayed in the Function panel. Volume is displayed in decibel "dB" values.
Master mixer volume
To open the Master Mixer select Master Mixer from the View menu or click the Master Mixer button on the View toolbar.
Master mixer button
Master mixer
The Master Mixer can also be opened by clicking on the volume label in the upper right portion of the Function panel.
Clicking the Master Mixer button twice will toggle between displaying either a floating window or a docked panel.

Master : Controls the Master volume. 

Vu meter : Displays the final output of the Master Mixer. 

Output labels: Displays the peak hold for the Master Mixer. Output is displayed in dB Values. Left-click the Output Labels to reset the peak hold. 


Try to avoid clipping the Master Mixer. This happens when the volume levels go above 0dB. The Vu meter will display red if clipping occurs. 


Here are a few ways to avoid clipping. 


Right-click Master Effects Bin. for options
Master Fx menu
Master Fx bin
Select the checkbox  to bypass an effect.

Note: Errors may occur during scanning. This means either the plugin is incompatible or failed to load. These errors should be harmless and can be ignored. Be sure to test your plugins. If you are experiencing playback problems an incompatible plugin would be first suspect.
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